Saudi Arabia beheaded 12 people

Saudi Arabia beheaded 12 people

By _ Vivek ch

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Saudi Arabia had promised to reduce the sentence in the United Nations, but here in 10 days 12 people have been sentenced to death.

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Where the whole world is living in a new era, Saudi Arabia is not able to leave its old wrong rules.

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The death penalty is now being abolished in most of the countries of the world, but in Saudi Arabia, people's heads were cut off with a sword as a death sentence.

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In the countries of the world where the death penalty is still in force, the death penalty is given in case of a very cruel incident. in which care is taken to make death easy.

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These 12 people were accused of involvement in the drug trade, who were beheaded by the Saudi Arabian government.

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In 2018, the Saudi Arabian government decided to reduce it and at that time it was being discussed that now only those who are accused of murder or murder will get such punishment.

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Most of these 12 people were expatriates, of whom three were Pakistani, four Syrian and two Jordanian. Along with this there were three Saudi Arabian nationals.

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According to the English website Mirror, 132 people have been sentenced to death in the month of November 2022 and this figure is much more than 2020 and 2021.

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If these 132 people do not get relief from the big court, then they too can be beheaded.

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Where Saudi Arabia is moving towards development, the same old bad practices are still continuing.

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There is a lot of criticism of Saudi Arabia at the international level, but the Saudi Arabian government is unable to correct it.

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